Centurion’s faith in the word of Jesus

To show the need to read and listen to God’s Word as our life program.

Some rulers are known for their generosity. Many significant events give many benefits and privileges to some citizens. This has happened several times when the head of state has given the freedom to some prisoners. It is a grace for them that is undeserved. These prisoners did not have to gain freedom, no share. They got it completely free.
The centurion of today’s gospel replied to Jesus, “Lord, I am not worthy, that thou mayst enter under my roof, but only say a word, and my servant shall be healed ”(Mt 8.8). Here is the centurion’s humble prayer to Jesus. First, he begs for mercy for his servant. Jesus is immediately willing to come and help. Then we hear the remarkable centurion’s answer: “I am not worthy …” The rich officer feels unworthy of for the Lord to come to his house. The Jews considered the entrance to the pagan house to be pollution. Among other things, the centurion was a very good man. Romans at that time considered servants inferior. The servant was not considered almost man. Servants were rather items that could be bought and sold. This is the gospel centurion looked at his servant quite the opposite. He almost put it down as for his son. Therefore, he did not hesitate to go to Jesus and ask for help. By this, by his actions, this centurion was ashamed of many, for he feared God.
A centurion is a man of faith. He believes that Jesus can help his servant, who is seriously ill. Trust is needed here. What trust do we have in Jesus? We believe that Jesus can heal each of us by his word, or we will hear Him a word, and do we live the old way? We must meet Him daily in words. It is God’s Word that we have for our salvation. Only we have travel instructions in this life. By reading and listening to God’s word, we become better. Christ wants us to honor his word. It is an undeserved gift that we can read the Word that was not invented by any human being, but directly God. It is a scarce gift. All it takes is the Word and the soul to heal. Indeed, the soul does he also heals by reading God’s word. But it is also a commitment. However, because this word is not God’s, we need to read it with focused attention, says the best teacher, God himself. How many of us read the Scriptures at home? And how many do they presume Holy Mass by thinking about their things, and do they not perceive God’s word?

It is terrible if a man to whom God himself speaks rejects his Word. A word, which he wants to heal the wounds of his life, the Word which he wants to help him as he could orientate in various life situations in which he is currently. It is a blasphemous rejection of God, who is love itself. Therefore, let us try to pray for such people to find respect for the word of God, to have faith as a centurion that Jesus is the One who wants to help everyone who asks.
St. Hieronymus devoted his entire life to the study of the Scriptures. Once in one work, he expressed that He who does not know the Scriptures does not know Christ. So, brothers and sisters, in this short statement, are the real truth. God makes us known through Scripture. It’s his way of wanting to communicate with humanity. The whole plan of God with humanity is written our whole life, the program we are to follow. Not knowing this program is similar to wander around a city and not know where we are. On the contrary, know the Scriptures and believing in him as the word of God is the true knowledge of Christ who wants us to heal.
The centurion begged for mercy, which he deserved. He received such grace to prisoners on special occasions. So let us ask the Lord to be reading too, and by hearing the Word of God, they were healed by the Word of Jesus, so thanks once, they have obtained eternal bliss in heaven.

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