God does not change

God does not change
Everything changes around him, only he remains the same, without change in his immense being, without modification in his perfection. The eternity of God is a necessary consequence of immutability. St. Augustine calls for God, who changes everything and renews himself, unchangeable. Who, then, is my God? About the highest, the best, the most powerful, the fairest, the most present, the most beautiful, still the same. For the creation of the world, his eternal life was concentrated only on himself. He became a team. He never became the Creator, but there was no change in him. First, all his deeds were done in him. So far, all his acts – such as the procreation of the Son and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit- were necessary, his creative show was free, yet no change has taken place in him. Creation is not over: it creates human souls out of nothing every day, and this activity will not cause any change in it. One divine person — the Word — takes on a human body, transfers it to heaven in the bosom of the Trinity, exposing it to eternal obeisance, and even this does not change anything in God. This divine quality is a condemnation of our instability.
As soon as we have taken the first steps on the path to good, we are already looking back. We look like St. Basil, a cloud that the wind throws here and there. The only way to secure your spirit against instability is to cling to God, that is, to merge with Him into one. Saint Peter of Chrysostomus adds. God’s mercy descended on us to burden and strengthen the instability, the lightness of our hearts, with the weight of His love. We should not rely on our strength. When we surrender to God, we know that God who does not change will never leave us. But unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will not leave him. His Word is irrevocable; ours is as changeable as the weather, subject to all sorts of whims, our imagination. When it comes to God, who has neither a beginning nor an end, it does not matter when we use verbs. Even God cannot be spoken of in the past. Nor in the future. He has neither a past nor a future. God was because he never ceased to be, he will be because his existence will never end, it is because his presence is permanent. God has not passed away as things of the past, does not flow with things present as if he did not have a permanent existence, nor does he begin to exist with things to come, as he would never be. Well, who is talking about what necessarily lived, lives, and will exist for all ages? We can always use any verb tense. We notice this, especially when reading the Psalms. Let us not be discouraged by the wrong translation of verb tenses, for where God is spoken; this is not decisive.

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