Who loves me, will keep my commandments.
There is one joke. He speaks of a godly Jew who strictly observed the whole of God’s Law. When he died, he appeared before God’s throne, looked up at God, and said, “Oh, Adonai! I have only one question for you: All my life I have honestly prayed all the prescribed prayers, observed all the holidays and all the fasts, studied the Torah – and never given me wealth or fame. And besides me lived a neighbor who was not pious at all and embraced him with all the blessings. I don’t blame you, O Adonai. Just tell me one thing: Why? Why him and not me?” And God replied, “When You were just so annoying.”
Joke. But it touches on an exciting thing and an interesting question: Why do bad things sometimes become good people? Perhaps – instructed by John of the Cross – we would be able to respond satisfactorily and with understanding. But even more and even more insulting is the second: WHY DO GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO EVIL PEOPLE ???
We would like it to be clear to the whole world that without God, it is impossible to live, that life without God is impossible. But… but again and again, we are confronted with the fact that around us are people who live peacefully without God, are often rich and famous, usually only satisfied – but they live pretty well without God and are not about much unhappy than most Catholics we know. Indeed, not all the gold that glitters and not all the Catholics that appear in the church, whether at baptism or communion. Alright. But the same insulting fact remains: How is it that many people live happily without God? Why doesn’t God show that we are entirely dependent on Him? Why does God even seem to be hiding? Is it a “hidden God” (Isaiah 45:15)? Why doesn’t it appear more transparent, more visible? Why???
The answer may be somewhere in the past, catechisms:
The community is the goal, and the SIGN OF THE COMMUNITY IS THAT THOSE WHO CREATE IT DO NOT NEED ANYTHING FOR YOU !!! WHAT CONNECTS THEM IS NOT NEEDED AND DEPENDENT, BUT PURE LOVE IN THE PURE JOY OF GIFTING! • Because Heaven is a community because God is a Community because salvation is a community.
Now you will indeed say: But it cannot work for God! We still need God! We cannot exist without God! After all, the Bible says of Jesus, saying, “3 He is a glimpse of his glory and an image of his essence, and he maintains all things with his mighty word” (Heb 1: 3). If God had forgotten us only for a moment and stopped loving and sustaining us in his mind, we would have vanished and disappeared completely because we exist only in God, “we live in him, we move, and we are” (Acts 17, 28). So, how can we be independent of God? It is impossible!
But really? Yes, indeed, we are substantially and existentially dependent on God. It is true. But on the other hand, God has made this addiction similar to, for example, our dependence on breathing: We know that we are entirely dependent on air – but we can live and breathe peacefully without even realizing it. God has become like air to us: we live from Him, with Him, and in Him, but we don’t have to realize it at all, we can ignore it in peace, God can really “be air” for us, Nothing – and yet, we exist: in God, but as if without God. Do you want proof that it works that way? There is one definitive proof, and that is HELL! Hell is a place where one lives entirely and totally without God – and yet, Hell itself is possible and exists only because God keeps it with his word exists !!!
God knows that deification is possible only if we decide among ourselves, but also about God, to create the same community of pure and pure Love formed by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the circle of the Trinity. And in this community, the Son comes from the Father, and all he has is from the Father, but on the other hand, Jesus is not some inferior god, different from the real God – the Father. The Son is equal to the Father in everything. The Father endowed the Son with the same greatness and independence as He. Jesus himself suggests this when he says, “26 For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself” (Jn 5:26). And elsewhere: “17 Therefore my father loves me because I give my life, and I will take it again. 18 No one takes it from me, I give it to myself. I have the power to give it, and I have the power to take it again” (Jn 10: 17n). Jesus is an entirely free, independent, sovereign, and self-sufficient God, utterly equal to the Father. His relationship with the Father is not marked by subordination, dependence, fear, and anxiety. It is a relationship of pure and pure Love, which is possible only and only between equals!
All this deity, this greatness that Jesus speaks of, is summed up in the word “glory,” which Jesus speaks in prayer to the Father: “22 we are one.” (Jn 17:22). Jesus says two things:
– EVERYTHING THE FATHER GAVE TO HIS SON, ITS ENTIRE SIZE, FREEDOM, AND INDEPENDENCE OF GOD, NOW JESUS GIVES TO CHRISTIANS. That’s what St. says. Maxim the Confessor: “Everything that God has – except the identity of being – is accepted by one who is deified by grace.” Just as the Father remained the Father and the Son, but otherwise they are equal in everything, so it should be.
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