An incomprehensible God.

The human mind will never be able to understand who God is complete. And yet, his most justified and sublime ambition is and will be to penetrate his essence as much as possible. Furthermore, human speech is not incapable of speaking of God. The Church Fathers unanimously convince man of his inability to penetrate the mysteries of God’s nature.

Saint Hilar writes: God is invisible, unspeakable, infinite. No word catches him, the spirit does not examine him, and reason has nothing to see him. St. Basil speaks. We can know God from his works, but he is not allowed to go to his essence. And to the present conceited, this saint refers. You cannot penetrate the nature of the smallest ant, and you want to penetrate the heart of our incomprehensible God.

Even St. Augustine, who may have penetrated the depths of the deity more than anyone else, declares them impenetrable. This is by nature, immutable, invisible, supremely alive, and sufficient for oneself, cannot be measured by the standard measure of things visible. When spiritual people think of God, they drive away from their spiritual eyes several intrusive fantasies and material images and look into the light, which reveals all the lies of content images that would like to be captivated by their spiritual eyes. We are talking about God, so don’t be surprised that you don’t understand. If you understood God, it would no longer be God. It is more fruitful to humbly acknowledge one’s incomprehension than to brag about one’s knowledge. Lord, you have created all things, and you are beautiful because they are beautiful, you are good because they are reasonable, you exist because they exist. But their beauty is far from equal to your beauty—likewise, neither their goodness nor their existence. When I compare them to You, they cease to be beautifully good, even if they were not. Confessions 1. XI. 4.6.

God is unspeakable. And it is easier for us to tell us about God what is not than what is. We admire the earth, the sea, the stars, but it is not God. Imagine angels, heavens, but that is not God. So, what is God? He is what the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard, and has not entered the human heart. Well, how would you like to appear on a person’s lips, that which has not descended into his heart? Lord, who sings your praise. He praises you, who believes that you are your praise. He commends you, who confesses that you cannot be praised enough. It would help if you mastered this closure. To have a correct conception of God, all imperfections must be ruled out. We get a false image of God if we imagine him as some perfect man. God is more excellent than what I know or might know. God cannot be expressed in human words.

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