
Compassion for the distress of others.
The parable of the Good Samaritan contains a story current in at all times. It is understandable to such small children to whom they are close to fairy tales about thieves and adults of modern times who meet daily with violence, whether on television or in what threatens us every day step.
The lawyer asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor” (Lk 10:29)?
This parable shows how each of us should treat the suffering neighbor. We must not go around it inattentively, but we must “stop” with it. The Good Samaritan is every person who stops at the suffering of another man, whatever the hell. This stop should not be curious, but alert. It is the openness of the heart, which is also manifested in inner touching. The Good Samaritan is every person sensitive to the suffering of others, who he feels compassion for his neighbor in despair. If Christ, who knows the interior of a man well, underlines this compassion, it is essential for our entire behavior against the suffering of others. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate this sensitivity of the heart, which testifies to compassion for the sufferer. Sometimes this compassion remains the only essential expression of our love and solidarity with the suffering brother.
The Good Samaritan in the parable of Christ did not stop only at compassion and moved: they encouraged him to act to help the injured person. In a word, the Good Samaritan is the one who helps to endure suffering, let it be of any nature, helps as effectively as possible. Inserts into auxiliary activities do not save even their material resources. We can claim to give ourselves; one’s ourselves. We are touching one here of the critical points of all Christian anthropology. One can find himself entirely only by sincere self-giving. The Good Samaritan is who, he is capable of such self-donation.
When we think of the parable of the Gospel, we can say that the suffering that exists in various forms among people are, therefore between us, to arouse in man love, that selfless gift of himself to other suffering people, without caring for his comfort. The world of human suffering constantly evokes another world, the world of human love. To some extent, the pain causes one to forget oneself, inwardly inspired by love, and manifest it in deeds. A neighbor bears careless passage apart from the suffering of others, already for essential human belonging and more for attachment to a neighbor. He must “stop, touch” and behave like a Samaritan in the gospel parable.

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