When is it permissible to do good?

In our lives, we take it for granted that our health is taken care of by doctors even on our days off. I have a toothache; I don’t have to wait until Monday; I also go on Saturday and Sunday…

To help someone on a feast day was considered objectionable by the Pharisees. The Gospel tells how Jesus healed a sick man in the synagogue on the Sabbath. But first, he sets him before himself and asks those present, “Is it free on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?” (Mk 3:4). Though they were silent, he restored the sick man to health. The Pharisees immediately went out with the Herodians and took counsel to kill him. Why this attitude of the Pharisees? We already know that the apostles broke the Sabbath rest, according to the Pharisees, when they plucked ears of wheat on the way and ate the grains. This Gospel, in turn, tells us how Jesus himself violated the Sabbath rest when he heals the sick. The Pharisees set a trap for Jesus. They knew that Jesus heals the sick. It is the Sabbath, and therefore it is forbidden to practice any trade, including medical treatment. They speculated whether Jesus would keep the Sabbath or break it. The Pharisees knew of Jesus’ love for the suffering and the sick and therefore assumed that he would break the Sabbath. And that was their point. Jesus sees that they have set a trap for him, so he asks all those present. His answer was silence. This saddened Jesus. It was an expression of their hardness, and sorrow filled his heart.

Jesus is God. God has commanded that people dedicate the Sabbath rest to him, but God is not only about loving him but also about loving our neighbor. Therefore, when he heals a sick person, he teaches that he is Lord of the Sabbath and that the Sabbath is ordained for man, not the other way around. When it is a matter of love for man, He can also use the Sabbath for that.

What does this mean for us believers in practice? Even though we are obliged by the Church’s regulations to attend Mass on Sundays and the commanded feast days, nevertheless, when someone needs our love, our help, for example, in nursing, with a small child, they are not sinning. However, we are to consider this wisely. Indeed, the whole family will not stay with him, but one is enough, similarly, with employment. If one has to enter the service, he does not sin. In such cases, it is advisable to take time and give attention to one’s soul. Pray more, read something, think, etc. It is advisable to connect spiritually with the celebration of Holy Mass and thus be present, at least at a distance. But it is questionable whether it is fraternal charity when he finds time to curse only on Sundays or consistently works on Sundays on chores. He takes work shifts on Sundays and holidays because they pay more. Isn’t that a transgression against the love of God? In this case, we are not talking about love.

But we must also say this: What good would it do us if we attended three Masses and did not help the one who urgently needed our help just then…? With a bit of goodwill and a correct assessment of all the circumstances, things can be arranged to fulfill our religious and other obligations. The excuse, “I’m tired after a whole week – and yet to go to church?” doesn’t stand? What is fatigue? Those who rightly understand the Sunday encounter with Jesus not only do not find the lesson a burden but cannot even imagine their lives without it. Sunday without Holy Mass means nothing to him. A festive lunch – we can cook that on another day. Even time for a hobby, a hobby with a bit of love for God can be solved differently. Consistent failure to fulfill your obligations speaks volumes about your faith. Here it is not enough to say: “I am a believer.”

Let us recall some distractions deliberately assigned to the morning hours to lure the faithful away from the Mass. Some organizations also put their meetings on this hour, organize various events, and it’s ridiculous when they even do violence that you have to…

The Lord Jesus did not desecrate the feast day by helping the sick. If circumstances require it, in exceptional cases, we may miss Mass for the love of our neighbor. This must not become a general rule. A daughter comes to visit, and the mother no longer goes to Mass because she has to cook! Even so, how many can arrange things to their satisfaction and understand this rightly. Goodwill. We want goodwill from others, and when God wants it from us, we are deaf. Let us remain practicing Christians.


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