The life of Jesus is active.

Whoever reads the biography of Jesus Christ, the Gospels carefully will also find in it inspiration for the open activity to which Jesus calls us. Jesus does not love idleness; on the contrary, work not only exalts a person but also enriches spiritual life.

Mark speaks of a time when Jesus wants to rest by the seashore after a hard day. The crowd, however, changes Jesus’ intention, and Jesus is the very act here too: healing, teaching… Jesus had to deal with a contentious issue around fasting, the sanctification of the Sabbath, and Mark presents him as a miracle worker to whom Jews and Gentiles alike come to be healed, at least by the touch of his clothes. Mark does not recount these events deliberately. Jesus was given the “Son of God” to signify his dignity. Jesus wants to avoid being recognized as the Messiah since the moment of his ultimate mission; the resurrection has not yet come. This fact marks the manifestation: the victory of Jesus over evil.

Jesus gives us the example that our life is to be active. The earnest work of self-improvement must be carried out with the thought, “We are useless servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.” (Lk 17:10).

We must remember that some people have no confidence in action; others throw themselves into action without thought and love. Yes, Jesus did everything with love, giving value and meaning to our lives, and must come first in every step. It is easy to tear down a house; it is harder to build it. It is easier to criticize, harder to act. If we waste our time blaming, we have no time left for action. An active life is not just dreaming, it is not just planning, but all this has to be done.

Example for the disciples. Don’t just dream of being a good disciple, but do everything you can to be one. Do you put your duties as a disciple before your fun, hobbies, and television? Not only pupils, but all of us must realize that our good intentions are useless if they are not recognized, not turned into action. God has not only promised the Comforter-Holy Spirit, but He has sent Him. God not only promised a Redeemer, but He came among us to redeem us. Therefore, even if we cannot do much, let us do something. We know that a limb that is not used will die, will stunt. The man who is not active not only does not progress but declines. A machine, which is just standing and not being used, also wears out. Let us realize: we will reach perfection only when we act.

Observe the people around you. How many people are lazy, wasting their precious strength, and the result of their life is deplorable. It is not the intensity of movement that gives efficiency to action but the weight of its spirit due to effort. We see this in life also, that some people accomplish a great deal in a short time and with a few acts, with little activity. On the other hand, in a long time with several shows, with the more significant moves, accomplished very little. This means that the real difference lies in the quality of the soul of those who acts. The activity of the animal is instinctive. The action of man is deliberate and is to be lived with faith. Permeate all your efforts with confidence. Let faith be in our activities, whether thoughts, words, or deeds, and let it always come first. To live in constant communion with Jesus in all events. Whoever wants to act in this way, let him open the Gospel. Jesus will become to him an inspiration which nothing in the world can equal. A man in his school will gain great qualities and significant achievements.

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