The way to God.

The way to God can be fraught with difficulties. The way to God is not only my knowledge but also by faith. And faith is the ability to endure our insecurities. Faith is a matter of the whole man, mind, heart, and mind. Faith is not the result of evidence. Evidence only prepares the way. Faith is more. It is devotion and love. That is why it can be said whoever seeks God has already found him in some way. W. James theoretically considered himself an unbeliever, and yet he writes that he often felt the presence of God. For today’s man, the way to God is made difficult by many obstacles, doubts, and objections. But who carefully observes how one complaint has gradually refuted another, how the hasty assertions of the naturalists have steadily lost their meaning, and how life itself has denied all theories of life without God. Whoever pays attention to all this, he seems that today’s man has more true faith than the generations before. More and more, we realize that faith is not something foreign to us. All our relationships with people are built on faith and trust. I only become close to another person by believing his word and trusting him. That is what relationships are built on. Building trust between people is the foundation of society. We trust doctors chauffeurs. To live is a chain of acts of faith and trust. The truth of nature. All human life is built on this faith and trust from childhood to the grave. Most of us also believe in science. In life, we cannot verify everything. We have to trust. Faith in God is not outside the baseline of man. Non-believers believe and believers, often thinking, even more, refuse to label it faith. Faith does not condemn a person’s life but gives it meaning. Faith is not a substitute for knowledge. Believing is not believing. Faith means, above all, the relationship it expresses. I believe in you; I have faith in you. Faith is meeting another in trust. God has placed within us the capacity to be open to infinite knowledge. The Greeks realized that there must be one source of all that exists, and that source is God. Israel came to faith in God uniquely in which the personal and living God Himself spoke to them. Christianity also comes to God not by way of reason but through Jesus. In doing so, however, sense brings us to the existence of God. Our daily life points to mystery. This mystery is explained to us by Jesus Christ. Whoever wants to know God must first think. He must reason things out to the end to find that the world bears witness to God. St. Paul, in his letter to the Romans, says. His invisible being can be discerned and known from created things so that no one can make excuses. Rom 1:19-

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