May, Mary’s month.

In May, we honor uniquely / through May devotions/ Virgin Mary, even though we do not have an important feast of Mary in the liturgical calendar this month. This month, we have only a non-binding reminder: Memorial Day of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13. Where does Marian’s spirituality come from, and where does it lead us?
The month of May has always been the month of Mary in the Church. In modern terms, the initiator of the Marian month/ with mai devotions/ in modern terms was the Jesuit Dionisi with his work: Messe di Maria, printed in Verone/Italy/in 1725. The Popes like Pius VII, Gregory XVI, and Pius IX endowed May devotions with indulgences. Popes Leo XIII and Pius XII especially recommended the May devotions. St. Pope Paul VI gave the encyclical Mense Maio, in which Paul VI encourages the faithful to these devotions so that they can for the needs of the Church. This year the month of May falls in the Paschal season. At this time, we celebrate the crowning of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. This redemptive work is inseparably linked to the task of Mary. And therefore, the honor of Mary has its rightful place at this time. Mary is never in the foreground of Jesus, but she is closely connected with him and cooperates with him on his mission. In the Holy Scriptures, we find the mention of her. And when they had entered, they went up into the upper room, where they remained both Peter and John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphäus, and Simon the Zealot, and Jude, the brother of James. These all remained with one accord in prayer with some women and Mary, the mother of Jesus and his brothers. Acts. 1,13,14.
Mary did not consider her task here on earth to be finished after Christ’s ascension. Before death, Jesus entrusted all of us to her. She is not only the Mother of God but also the Mother of the Church, the help of Christians. That is why Mary always remains actively present. Mary practically helped the first Church. After Mary’s death, there was always the living practice of prayers and devotions to Mary in the Church. In her presence, we can feel more secure in all the difficulties of our life, like a kind and caring mother. We can learn the art of prayer, either personal or communal.
If today we state that we are experiencing the difficult times. That we do not even fall into the temptation of hopelessness or resignation, all the more we need to form a strong community of living faith and love. In this community, all our prayers and sacrifices are strengthened by the intercession of our Heavenly Mother, who is actively present in the Church even today.
The month of May is also incredibly dedicated to Mary, but this does not mean that we should neglect Mary in the other months. On the contrary. May devotions should encourage and renew us in this devotion throughout the year. Let us make the most of May; let us draw into our hearts new reinforcement for deeper spiritual life, using Mary, whom God has given us as Mother and Mediatrix of all graces.
Ó Mary, Mother of Mercy
take care of us all
so that the cross of Christ may not be in vain for us
so that man may not stray from the path of goodness
and does not lose the consciousness of sin
and that his hope in God may grow
who is rich in mercy
so that he may do good deeds of his own will
and so he does all his life through.
To the praise of his glory.
John Paul

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