There are people with the mask of Christians who sin, are overly superficial, or too rigid and f, forget that a true Cfaithfultian is a person of joy and that faith rests on the rock of Christ. Strict and sad, or joyful, but who knows about Christian joy? Theentertainmentre t,” “houses” entirely wholly different, in which two categories of believers live. In both cases, they have a severe disorder of the house: they base their Christianity on words. They do not lean on the “rock” of God’s word of Christ.
In the history of the Church, there were two groups of Christians: Christians of words, i.e., those “Lord, Lord…” and Christians of deeds, the true ones. There has always been a temptation to live our Christianity outside of the rock that is Christ. The only one who gives us the freedom to call God “Father” is Christ, the rock. He is the only one who supports us in difficult times. As Jesus says: It rains, the rivers flood, the wind blows, but when there is a rock, we are safe; when it’s just words, they fly away, they’re not useless. Christianity without Jesus, Christianity without Christ, is the temptation of these ‘Christians of words. It happened in the Church in the past, and it happens today: to be Christians without Christ. (…) The first type is the so-called gnostics, who like beautiful words and live floating on the surface of the Christian life. And then there’s the other group, called the “diggers,” who has a serious, starched lifestyle. They are Christians who “stare at the floor.”
This temptation exists today. Superficial Christians who believe in God, and Christ, are but too “flee.” ng.” Not in Jesus Christ, who is the foundation. They are modern Gnostics. The Temptation of Gnosticism. A kind of “gassy” Christianity. On the other hand, some think that the Christian life needs to be taken so seriously that they end up confusing solidity and firmness with rand rigidity. They are austere, uncompromising! They think that a Christian must always be in sorrow. The reality is that there are many of these Christians. But he claims they are not Christians but disguised as Christians. They do not know who the Lord is or who is the rock; they do not have Christian freedom. To put it a little more simply, “they are not happy.”
Even the first have a particular joy, but a superficial one. The others live in a continuous black hour of sadness; they do not know what Christian joy is. They cannot enjoy the life that Jesus gives us because they do not know how to talk to Jesus. They do not feel that they are built on Jesus, with the firmness that Jesus’ presence gives. Not only do they have no joy, but they also have no freedom. They are slaves to superficiality, that widespread way of life. Those there are slaves to relentlessness; they are not free. The Holy Spirit has no place in their lives. And the Spirit is the one who gives us freedom! The Lord calls us today to build our Christian life on him, as on a rock. This will provide us with space, send us the Spirit, and help us go on with joy along his path that he offers us.
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