Many people try to live a dignified religious life.
Jesus heals from an unclean spirit. The unclean spirit’s words are surprising: “My name is regiment because there are many of us” (Mk 5:9).
The events that follow only confirm these words of the devil. Jesus allowed them to enter the pigs that were grazing nearby and those that fell into the sea. There were about two thousand of them. This is what this section wants to tell us: The power of evil is great, but Jesus has an even greater power to destroy evil because he is the Son of God. We see this in other places when he says to the woman:” Your sins are great, but go and sin no more” (John 8:11). She was forgiven much because she loved very much. This article is also intended to warn us about the amount of sin.
A person’s conscience can become dull, or an undesirable habit can occur, which does not add to a person’s joy, on the contrary. We must take seriously not only the seriousness of the sin, but also its number. After all, the doctrine of the sacrament of reconciliation leads us to this, so that during the sacrament we say not only sin, especially all serious ones, but also the number of them. We must realize the impact of one grave sin on our salvation, and even more, so we must realize the number of grave sins.
This is what the gospel is supposed to warn us about. One can meet Jesus. …he wanted to go to Jesus, but Jesus gave him another piece of advice: “Go home to your relatives and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you and how he had mercy on you” (Mk 5:19). Every return to Jesus would make us, he should only rejoice. We should not behave like the owners of the pigs behaved. They only saw the material they askre asking Jesus to leave them. They are afraid of their other possessions…, perhaps. This stanzleadst leads us to the idea that even the multitude of sins is a great evil. One must not resign. The Church does not convey despair, and fear, but hope.
Example. Have you experienced something similar? The man was looking for a place where he could find pain in his soul. Once he entered a church where a priest and his faithful were praying: “We neglected the things we were supposed to do and did what we shouldn’t have done.” Then the man sighed and said quietly: “Thank you, God, that I found a way…”
It is necessary to renounce one’s pride. Pride is a seed. Pride and every sin will prevent you from entering the kingdom of God.
One parable about the present life tells that the animals gathered together and complained to the people that they were being robbed of many things. “They’re taking my milk,” said the cow. “They’re taking my eggs,” said the hen. “They are taking my meat,” said the pig. “They are hunting me to take my fat,” said the whale. And so on. Finally, the snail spoke. “And I have something they’d like more than anything else. Something they would surely rob me of if they could. I have time.”
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