Children imitate their parents, Fathers, and mothers, you are teachers. Your children are students. The pitch of your angry voice, your mannerisms, and your mood are all imitated by your young children.
Children imitate their parents. Therefore, care should be taken to give them the right examples. Parents who are kind and polite at home, while being strict and strict, will find the same traits in their children. If they are honest, honorable, and respectable, then their children will be similar to them in these qualities. If they respect God and pray to Him, then even their children, if they are brought up in this way, will not forget to serve Him in this way. – 5T 319, 320
Parents should always set examples for their children that they would like them to imitate. They should show each other tender consideration, in words, looks and actions. They should demonstrate that they are controlled by the Holy Spirit and introduce the character of Jesus Christ to their children. Imitation has a decisive influence. In childhood and youth, this ability is most effective, so a perfect role model should be placed in front of them. Children b should have confidence in their parents and constantly repeat examples to remember.
Teach by word and example. – The mother is still in school while raising her children. By teaching her children, she is also learning herself. The lessons she gives her children in self-control must be carried out by herself. She meets different moods and thinks of her children, so she must be sensitive when making decisions. She is in danger of being biased in her judgment or not being fair to her children. If she wants her children to be polite and kind, then she must behave according to the law of kindness even in family life. This is how children repeat these principles every day by word and example. – Pacific Health Journal, June 1890
Teachers will try to educate your children at school, but your example is more influential than anything else. Your speech, the way you approach solving daily problems, and your likes and dislikes all help to shape your character. With a kind nature, self-control, composure, and politeness, what the child sees in you will be his daily knowledge. Education continues over time as a daily school and shapes the child as it should be. –
Try not to be rude to children… Demand obedience and do not speak rashly to children, because your ways of acting and your words are their textbooks. As you help them, be kind and gentle at this time in their lives. Your presence should be like sunshine for them and be reflected in their hearts as well. These growing boys and girls are very sensitive and you can ruin their whole life with your rudeness. Be careful, mothers, never scold, because it does not help. – MS 127, 1898
Parents are to be role models in self-control. – Children should be kept from getting upset if possible. Therefore, the mother should be calm and unhurried, she should not get upset or nervous. Therein is the school of discipline for her and the child. While she is teaching her child renunciation, she is also educating herself to be a role model for her children. With a tender interest, he works upon their innermost being, that it may subdue the natural sinful inclinations, and cultivates the grace of the Spirit in his words and his conduct.
Even a single victory you get over yourself is a very valuable support for your children. You can stand at a vantage point and say, “I am God’s steward, I am God’s temple.” I submit to His leading to mold me in His image. I have become God’s co-worker in shaping the minds and characters of my children to make the path of following the Lord easier for them… Fathers and mothers, if you can control yourself, you will gain a great victory in controlling your children. –
The fruit of self-control. – Parents, whenever you lose self-control and act carelessly, you are sinning against God. The angel notes every intolerance of the word that does not morally uplift, he notes it as a stain on our Christian character. Speak kindly to your children. Realize how sensitive you are, how difficult it is for you to bear reproaches, and do not put on them what you cannot bear yourself. They are weaker than you, they can’t take as much. The fruits of self-control, consideration, and zeal on your part will be a hundredfold.
Let your pleasant and cheerful words act like rays of sunshine in your family.
If parents want their children to be truthful and behave properly, then they too must be correct in theory and practice.
Children are influenced by the behavior of so-called Christians. – The children of those who sanctify the Sabbath are led from their youth to observe the Sabbath. Some of them are very good children who honestly fulfill their duties in worldly matters, but they do not have a deep sense of sin and the need to repent of sin. However, such a situation is dangerous. He sees the behavior and efforts of so-called Christians. They follow those who are preachers but not Christians by conviction, comparing their views and actions with these losers. There is no resistance to sin in their lives, and they flatter themselves that they are doing right.
The teaching of the Scriptures has no greater effect on the youth because many parents and teachers profess to believe the Word of God while denying its power in their lives. Sometimes the youth feel the power of the word and recognize the greatness of Christ’s love. They see the beauty of His character and the possibility of a life devoted to His service. On the other hand, however, they see the life of those who only pretend to respect God’s commandments.
Parents must say “No” to temptation. – Mothers, do not lean towards worldly customs and set before your children an example of loyalty to God and thus teach them to say no. Let your children know the meaning of the commandment: “If sinners entice you, do not consent. Proverbs 1:10 And when you want your children to be able to say no to temptation, you must say no. It is just as necessary for an adult as it is for a child.
Be an example of kindness. – Parents, be kind and gentle to your children, and they will learn kindness. Let us prove in our homes that we are Christians. I value as worthless the confession that is not part of family life in kindness, tolerance, and love.
Pay attention to the tone of your voice as well as your words. – Let not a single word of abuse, irritation, or anger come out of your mouth. The grace of Christ awaits your request. His Spirit will control your heart and conscience and guide your words and actions. Never recklessly lose self-respect with rash and rash words. See that your words are honest and your conversation holy. Give your children an example of how they should be according to your ideas… Let them be words full of well-being, a pleasant and cheerful facial expression.
Parents should not force anything under any circumstances. It must not manifest itself in an implacable, critical, and eternally dissatisfied spirit. The words they say and the timbre of their voice are examples for children for good or for bad. Fathers and mothers, children hear your angry words, and you teach them to speak in the same way. The ennobling plum of the Holy Spirit remains thus ineffective. If you want to fulfill your duty to your children, then it is important that you patiently continue doing good.
Parents are God’s agents in the formation of Character. – According to what pattern are the thinking and characteristics and characters of your children shaped? Parents, realize that you are agents in this transformation. When once you sleep in the grave, your work; which you have done here; will remain as a testimony of whether it is good or bad.
Imprinting God’s image. – You must guide, warn, and advise. Always remember that your looks, words, and actions have a direct bearing on the future attitude of your children. Your task is not to paint a beautiful picture on canvas or to carve it out of marble, but to impress upon the human soul the image of God’s likeness. –
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