Weiting for the Messiah

You still remember our quiz. There was  a question of how you draw  God. And you replied correctly that God cannot draw  because nobody has, is invisible  for us. But paints still paint God. They paint him as they image him. If they paint him as an old man because  they want  to show that God is wise and good. Old people tend to be wise and good. If they draw him like a big eye to show that God sees everything. Everyone  Imagines God according to  what he knows about him. But that is not always  right. When people have broken their relationship with God, they were increasingly spoiled by their ides of him. So, that you can better understand it, I will tell you a Story. Was once a beautiful house. He stood in the middle of a large garden that was reported by a high fence. So, no one has seen the house so nobody saw  in the house. There was on old man in the house. There used to be an old man living abroad. He was not leaving the house now, so the inhabitants of the City did not him know. He was said to be  rich and learned, but also that he was very strict and that he didn’t like anyone. That he is angry with all people for some Insult. Nobody remembers how it  actually was. And whoever dares to come to him will be punished. People in and around the city were wondering what they rally and are, but no one had the gut to go there. The word’s thing was one of his employees talking about it, who claimed the Lord fired him out of here. He told everyone how this Lord awfully tough He was sick now. He didn’t say he had to go because he was still deceiving cheating. Then one thief climbed through the fence, but the dog caught him and bitten him. The thief also told terrible things about the house and the Lord, but he didn’t say how it really was. People have  added such things to as so everybody is afraid of the Lord.And he was a perfect man. He built a School, a Hospital, sent gifts to the poor, but all secretly. A few People knew about it, they also tried to convince  others  of the good of the man. But only a few could be convinced. Those who  considered him very  punitive, dared not go to him because they  feared him. But even the others did not dare there , they knew that the Lord was so good that only the one who was also excellent could live with him. And everyone knew of himself that he would occasionally fool, the anger of the other, is lazy. These people knew, they were not good  enough to appear before this lord, who was so good. And so, it took a Long time. People longed to find someone to tell them  the truth  about that mysterious an about his life about his  house. They longed to be there with them. And the Lord knew all this, and he wanted to help people, so he thought up something. What it was, that you will learn for the future. You know that our stories are designed to help you understand what’s important. Today we began with the idea, that the invisible God everyone imagines differently and often very wrong. We’ve already talked about how people messed up their relationship with God. And all evil ,the pain and affliction that they themselves incur attributed God. In the Holy scriptures we also write about many such people who knew how good God was. They tried to convince others. But even they themselves felt that they were not worthy to show before God. No one dared draw near to God, who is such a great, powerful, wise and holy. God knew all this and he loves the people. Even the murderer of Cain did not want to kill but save.So, he wanted and  wants to save every person. He was sorry that people imagined him to be annoying and vindictive and the bad things they do themselves attribute to the. God is truly the wisest and best.He figured  out how to change it all. The next time  find out.

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