Imagine sitting in the doctor’s waiting room for the check-up results while noticing the people around you. They are suffering from various diseases. “Whew, I’m so glad I’m not like them,” you think. “I would prefer to avoid such patients by far.” When the doctor calls you in, he tells you everything is fine – you are healthy. “And now,” he says, “you can help me care for the remaining people in the waiting room.” This image somewhat reflects what Jesus wanted to speak to the Pharisees in today’s Gospel. He did not want them to avoid people who were spiritually “sick.” He wanted the exact opposite: to seek them out and help them. He wanted them to show them mercy and offer them the grace of faith. And Jesus asks the same from us: Spread the message of my understanding. But how should we do it? Each of us can do these three things:
Examine your attitude. Consider how you treat people entangled in sin or behavior that harms them. Remember that you are a sinner, saved thanks to God’s mercy. People can sense when someone harbors resentment towards them or judges them inside, and they try to avoid such a person at all costs.
Look outside. Don’t only meet those who are already close to you or have the same values as you. After all, when God sends someone your way, you won’t know how to treat him. Try starting a conversation with a stranger waiting in line at the cash register. Or visit a neighbor who hasn’t been to church in years. Allow an unexpected friendship to develop between you – you may eventually find that talking about your faith comes naturally to that person.
Do not stop receiving mercy. Don’t stop praying. Stay close to the Lord in prayer. Allow him to soften your heart with his merciful heart. Let his openness to all – poor and rich, healthy and sick, successful and unsuccessful – lead your heart to the same transparency. And watch for opportunities to show mercy – to anyone.
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