Various statements. Who do people think Jesus is yesterday today?
Have you read the book: “Who’s Who”? The names Herod, John the Baptist, Elijah, and others are not there. Are they not up to date? Sometimes someone writes rude words on this page. I accept the criticism. It’s interesting that they write it secretly. I know they don’t everyone is suitable for everyone When a person starts using his mind, he always wants to know, hear, and experience a lot.
Herod in the Gospel puts us to shame when the evangelist Luke wrote about him that he wanted to see the Lord Jesus. He said: “John rose from the dead…” (Luke 9:7). He was a ruler, and he learned about Jesus from several sources. The messengers, the people who surrounded him, took care of it, and that is why the reports about Jesus are different. Some considered the Lord Jesus to be John the Baptist, whom Herod had beheaded in prison when the daughter of his illegitimate wife Herodias asked for John’s head as a gift. Others believed that John the Baptist rose from the dead. They also considered Christ to be Elijah, who also taught the people, and he marveled at his works, which God did with his hands. Let us remember the sacrifice on the mountain, when he defeated the priests of the god Baal, who were 450, and their sacrifice was not burned, but his. Others said that Jesus was indeed a prophet. He acted prudently, and his deeds were extraordinary. He often pointed to repentance. When Herod hears all this, he does not know what to think about it. He does not believe that John rose from the dead, but when he hears about Christ as a miraculous miracle worker, when he hears more than one report about his teaching, he asks himself: Who is he, then, that I hear such talk about him?
Therefore, we should try to get to know the Lord Jesus’ teachings better, keep his commands, and find time to meet him when reading the Holy Scriptures, when celebrating the Holy Mass, and when approaching the sacraments. It is a good sign when you feel, sister, brother, that in your life the Lord Jesus is not a stranger, but that you are looking for him, that you want to meet him often, that you have something to say to him in prayer, in contemplation, in meditation, in the community, in the family… Your attitude is on the right track. Saint Vincent de Paul talks about his experience. He was already a priest when he arrived as a slave in Tunis. The ship they were sailing on was captured by pirates. He was digging irrigation canals in the August heat. He never hid the fact that he was a priest. The slave master hated him for that very reason. Vincent is once told by his fellow slave, a Frenchman: “This is real hell!” And Vincent answered him: “No! Wherever God is, there is no hell. And God is here. God knows about us.” Vincent himself did not know why the Lord God allowed this to happen to him, but he did not despair. He did not lose faith in the presence of God, not even when he was struggling with fever – malaria for three months. Even then he felt inside God. Slavery ends with escape. He does not escape alone, but with his slave master, in which, with the help of his wife, the Mohammedan Fatima, he awakens his conscience and confesses to Vincent that he too was a priest and also fell into slavery. However, he, unlike Vincent could not stand slavery, and he betrayed God. but with his slave master, in which, with the help of his wife, the Mohammedan Fatima, he awakens his conscience and confesses to Vincent that he too was a priest and also fell into slavery. However, he, unlike Vincent, could not stand slavery and betrayed God. but with his slave master, in which, with the help of his wife, the Mohammedan Fatima, he awakens his conscience and confesses to Vincent that he too was a priest and also fell into slavery. However, he, unlike Vincent, could
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