God’s closeness

Know today what has not happened to your sons who do not know… The teachings of the Lord… his strong hand and his outstretched arm › Dt 11, 2.

Moses addressed these words to the people who had witnessed many divine events and, for humans, the minds of incredible things. They witnessed God’s unquestionable interventions in their lives. They experienced that everything was possible for him and that nothing could happen against his will. Yet they rebelled against him, despised his gifts, and desired the things from which he kept them away.

Will we be ungrateful, unworthy, unreasonable, or irresponsible? Well, they were, but God continued to take care of them and admonish them because the sick needed a doctor. Even religious people are not spared adversity, suffering, or humiliation. The Holy Scriptures do not speak of believers as the privileged ones who walk on a red carpet strewn with flowers but as people who can experience suffering with the confidence that whatever befalls them can be good for them.

Says the mother: “My son, who is three years old, snuggles up to me and knows he can trust me. It is good that he goes through various experiences, such as falling, scraping his knees, pricking himself with a rose thorn, etc. In these situations, he cries, but this is the only way he can grow and harden.” Believers can lean on an unshakable support: God, whose wisdom and love calm them, even when they go through periods of darkness and do not understand the reason for many things. God wants to help us in our lives and enlighten us with his light; we have to shut up and listen to him.

We run in many directions daily and want to use the time. Our mind is busy with work, family, a whole range of responsibilities. Let’s face it: we rarely think about God. We have a lot of plans, and time seems to fly. And yet, how much time do we waste with useless talks or watching TV… Well, if we want, today we can decide to wait for the Lord, to give him time to visit us and touch us with his presence. If we wait for him, he will lean towards us.

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