Following Jesus in the lay apostolate.

All over the world, many young men and women will give their consent to Christ’s call: “Follow me!” (Mt 9:9). These young people decide on the priesthood, religious, or missionary life. They want to introduce Christ to people. But Christ’s call concerns each of us: teenagers, adults, and even the more advanced age. The Lord Jesus invites us to follow him and not only invites us but asks us to follow continuously, without which we are not worthy of the kingdom of God.

Follow me! It’s a brief challenge. It is not easy to decide and immediately comply with such a challenge. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve noticed that it doesn’t matter to the person in question for whom Jesus gave the challenge. And it is not an easy decision at all when Jesus adds: “Foxes have their hiding places and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head” (Mt 8:20). When the addressee hears such talk; it seems to him that the Lord Jesus is asking too much. He would like to gain time before making a decision and begs Jesus: “Lord, let me first go and bury my father” (Mt 8:21). Jesus is a good psychologist and knows what is going on in a person, and for the sake of making decisions more accessible, he adds a warning: “Whoever puts his hand to the plow and looks back does not belong to the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).

The famous opera singer Chose Mo-Chica, who performed on the stages of the most famous operas in the world, was a movie star in Hollywood and had famous actors and singers as friends at the height of his family when he was in Per. He suddenly joined the Franciscans. Everyone thought it was some drilling. Mochica used to stay in the best hotels; he had all the comforts. Even the performers themselves felt that he would soon sober up. But he was serious about his decision. This is how he became a Franciscan priest years later. Pope Pius XII. allowed him to perform on opera stages even after ordination. With the money he received, he built a home for abandoned children, a church, and a school in Peru. There is no contradiction between his priest and artistic mission. He says: I am trying with all my energy to bring Christ to radio, television, theater, opera. I will sing as long as the Lord gives it to me and my vocal cords allow. I will sing to build a new home for many more abandoned children.

Brothers and sisters! We are surprised by the determination of the singer who did not hesitate to leave a famous and comfortable life and to the call of the Lord Jesus – follow me – he will say his unconditional yes. You might say to yourself: It’s adorable, but what should we do? How should we follow Christ? After all, not every one of us can become a priest! Your question is correct. Not everyone can become a priest or religious. It is a state to which the Lord himself calls his elect. And yet, the Lord calls each of us to follow him. Many of you have probably heard the word – lay apostolate.

The Second Vatican Council emphasized the importance of the lay apostolate to such an extent that it issued resolutions on the apostolic activity of the People of God, that is, on the lay apostolate. We know that the laity are all believers, except for clergy members and religious orders approved by the Church (cf. LG 4). From the beginning of the decision above, we learn that the apostolic activity of the laity, rooted in the Christian vocation, must never disappear in the Church. (Introduction). Our Christian vocation obliges us to postulate. Some of you might think to yourself: But in what way? I know most of you would answer this question correctly. There is a very effective method that applies to everyone you know, and that is our best living example. We don’t even have to talk or convince anyone because the proof of our faith will be noiseless, modest deeds. We have too many options.

The very first possibility occurs in family life. You know very well how much effort and patience is required when raising children, how difficult it is to listen to the problems of the other spouse calmly, and sometimes disputes between relatives are complex to resolve. If we tried to solve these difficulties in the Christian spirit, we would gain more adherents of faith in God and Christianity. We allowed him to perform on opera stages even after ordination rather than bombastic sermons, which are not backed by convincing deeds. The second option is our workplace. We spend a third of the day with our colleagues. Through our considerate behavior and attitude to work, we will testify to them about our faith and Christian mission. The third option is to study youth. Proclaiming Christ with your life among young people who are looking for their ideals and the goal of their life is an excellent chance for a young person to be passionate about Christ. Another option is for the sick and suffering. Whether they are in hospitals or at home on their own, let them be an example to others in enduring hardships and pains. The knowledge that through our suffering, we become participants in Christ’s suffering gives us strength and courage.

Brothers and sisters! We dealt a little with the problem of the lay apostolate. It seems to us that fulfilling our Christian mission will not be easy. So what should we do? We are to look for a powerful ally, which we find in the person of the Lord Jesus. Let’s not forget our heavenly Mother, Mary. Let us ask her to be our intercessor with her Son so that after union with Jesus in the Eucharist, in prayer and contemplation, we will receive the necessary help for our apostolic work. Do we still remember the words of singer Chose Mochica? He said: – I am trying with all my energy to bring Christ to radio, television, theater, opera. – May we also succeed in bringing Christ into family life, into the workplace, among the youth, the sick, and the suffering! Let this activity of ours be repeated repeatedly because this is how we will succeed in fulfilling the mission that must never be forgotten in the Church. 

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One Response to Following Jesus in the lay apostolate.

  1. XRumerTest says:

    Hello. And Bye.

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