Always faithful to God.
Always faithful to God … In the book of the Holy Scriptures, which we also call the book of books, every day, we can find a thought that is always temporal. That’s how it is today. In the history of salvation, the relationship between man and God used to be compared to the relationship between exemplary spouses, probably because the Israelites placed great emphasis on married life. Therefore, their marriages always concluded with a grand ceremony. Unfortunately, in the case of faithfulness to the Lord God, they often sinned badly, and consequently, the Lord frequently reprimanded them severely for it. The prophet Hosea speaks of one such betrayal of Israel against the Lord God. During the time of King Solomon, the northern tribes broke away from Jerusalem. That is why they gradually forgot about God and worshiped various gods, thanking them for blessing them. The prophet Hosea sternly admonishes the nation. When they finally turned away from the idols, the Lord received them back with such love that a good husband received his wife. The Lord promised them salvation, and during the time of the Redeemer, man was once again united with the heavenly Father.
In the Gospel, the Pharisees accused Jesus of not fasting: “John’s disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, and yours eat and drink” (Luke 5:33). Moses instructed the Israelites to fast once a year. But the Pharisees ordered frequent fasting. However, they did not do it out of love for the Lord God, only so that people would admire them. That is why the Lord Jesus answered them: “Can you ask the wedding guests to fast while the bridegroom is with them?” (Luke 5:34). In other words: The Old Testament ends now with all our false precepts. With my Church, I am starting a New Testament, the basis of which will be the union of soul and heart with the heavenly Father, as much as if he were married to her. At such a serious moment, we do not fast or grieve because this engagement is a time for rejoicing. But the days will come when they will take their bridegroom and fast on those days. So Christ is the divine bridegroom, and the Church is his bride. In reality, however, the Church is all of us; therefore, we owe our heavenly bridegroom as it were marital fidelity. At holy baptism, we connected closely with the Lord Jesus, as if our soul had been married to the Lord forever. This fulfilled the prophetic words that the Lord predicted about His people: “Then I will betroth you forever, for truth and justice I will betroth you, for love and mercy, I will betroth you for faithfulness, so you will know the Lord” (Oz 2,21- 22). In the Gospel, Jesus is called the fiancé of our soul. And as the fiancé of our soul, he wants to share his love, happiness, and peace with us. He expects the same from us who are betrothed to him. S
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