Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C John 2,2-11

Since it is a family wedding, the organizers have been invited months in advance. They write a list of invitees and then wonder if someone has been forgotten so they don’t feel offended that they weren’t invited to the wedding table. The betrothed from today’s Gospel also had to worry about whom to invite, and as we noticed, they also asked the two most precious guests – Jesus and Mary. Looking at today’s marriage and divorce statistics, we may think about how it is possible that those who were so looking forward to and preparing for marriage, do they suddenly become unhappy, and the marriage fails. How is it possible that of the many people who count themselves as friends of the betrothed, no one can hold them when problems arise?

Various solutions are proposed for the causes of ice, but the actual cause is somehow bypassed. Christ, his teachings, and laws were expelled from his families, and there is no place even for Mary, who is the Mother of all. Have you noticed how the gospel wedding was different from many weddings today? The couple invited Jesus and lived in his presence all their lives. Someone may sadly object, But even our young people married in church and see how it turned out! What is the cause? Spouses do not live in Jesus’ presence, they call him only at the beginning of the marriage, and then forget him.

About making your marriages and families happy?  Jesus must dwell with you and bless all your days. Some will say that even those who live in unbelief and refuse Christ’s help live happily. But how much benefit does live without Christ bring them for their temporal and eternal life? We must not be wrong about momentary success. Make sure that Jesus is always in your family with his blessing, and do not forget that without God’s blessing, all work and effort is useless.

Since Jesus will dwell in your life, he will help you to please you in every sorrow that life brings. Human life is like the sea surface, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent. So is family life. All kinds of storms and riots will come one day in the form of illness, persecution, death, suspicion, and slander. Who can calm them down? Just and only Jesus. After all, he clearly says: I am with you all day until the end of the world. Do we already understand why many husbands cannot handle the bad time of life? They drove Christ out and were left alone for everything. These words are confirmed by St. Paul: If God is for us, who is against us?

Only spouses who accept Christ with his laws and teachings are truly happy. What does that mean? In our families, there should always be a firm belief that married and family life must be arranged according to the teachings of Jesus Christ because where there is no faith, where a sinful life is led, where there is no God, there is neither true conjugal love, fidelity, nor concord. Do we already understand what the instructions are for a successful married life? Begin an everyday life with Christ and allow him to bless our works and efforts. He will sustain you in all sorrow and suffering when you adhere to his laws and commandments. Mary offered herself as a mediator because she was also in Cana, and Jesus heard her.

The biographies of saints also mention Saint Peter to Sebastian, who had nine siblings and was raised by his parents as honest. Peter was once asked how it was possible for people to respect and like all siblings. He replied: Our parents loved us, but they loved God more than us. We can expand on the opening idea based on Peter’s answer: Never let Christ be missing in your family. If he is your family’s beloved member, you will do well!

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