
Merciful Samaritan

When I want to friend with someone I need to know him and meet him. But I have to know what I like what he likes, what he wants from me. If I’m going to do something to get angry, what would that be a ca mar ship? We already know about Jesus quite a lot We know who his father is, who is his mother. We know how miracles proved to be God. And we know that he became man to be able to be friends. But it’s time to learn what’s waiting for us. How to behave when we want to be his friends. Jesus did many miracles, but he  talked little about it. And although he spoke to the adult people, you know that they often talked about the fairy tale. Those fairy tales, these were such stories that Jesus invented, so that people could better understand it. They are called parables. The invented story resembles something real. As if we talked about the building and thought we were on the whole world. Or when we talked about a good person from a mysterious house, we wanted to explain something about God. Jesus told the people of all sorts of stories, and we now know what God likes and what we do not. One such story will tell you today. When Jesus lived, neither cars nor trains were there. He was the person who was traveling to the camel and with a great escort. Or went riding. The poorer had a donkey. Most of them were those who walked walking. Who didn’t have to travel, stayed at home. So many people have not been on the road. Not even the roads were no such thing today. It often walked through the forest, or after narrow walkways. And it was quite dangerous because in the woods they were the robbers who had attacked passengers. Once a man went through the forest one way he was  total alone. And he just him chose the bandit. They attacked him, beat him up, they took everything from  him  and eventually let him lie on the  road. And he would perish, without food, without the dresses full of wound. He walked around  him  priest, he saw him, but was afraid he was dirty. If Injured had not died from hunger, he would have invaded  from the animals. Then he went around that levitate he  thought the injured he was already possibly dead, barely he can help him. And he was in a hurry. The happiness went around him and the third. It was Samaritan, hence the stranger. The Samaritans and Israelites lived in hostility. But this Samaritan about it didn’t care .He did not interest in what nationality is injured. He saw that the injured needs help and therefore did not hesitate. He tied his wounds, wrapped him in his mantle, sat on his donkey and slowly, cautiously transporting him to the nearest hostel. He paid in advance for him to take care of him and only then  he left. He didn’t think of himself, on the exertion, time, money. But only to be need help. Do you know why Jesus spoke this parable? What does this parables mean? Jesus wanted us to tell you how we behave. Not like the priest or Levita, but as the Samaritan. If Jesus talked about this parable today, perhaps he would have talked about how the road was crashed car, as it was necessary to stand and help. And who went on because he feared the view of blood and wounds because he did not want to take the wounded to his car, so that he did not smudge his new covers, or somewhere he  rushed and thought what me is after him. Well, he did so, he had to go cautiously. Today, they become such cases. Jesus gave us these similarities to say that we have no mindfulness to pass around people who need our help. It doesn’t stand up our excuses.

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