4 th Easter Sunday A 2020

4th Easter Sunday and 2020

Today on Sunday, a good shepherd, we have the opportunity to consider the characteristics of the leader. I can imagine the five qualities that should have a good leader not only in the church but also in the positions of the secular.

The first feature of the leader is the ability to see. A good leader is a person who sees, hears, and realizes more than others. He is capable and can clearly recognize the needs of people and also the motives behind their behavior. Having a gift to see in the core of things can read the characters of the Times and thus recognize the new challenges facing both he and the community for which he is responsible. A good leader sees God in everything not only in the beauty of nature but also in the love and great deity of people. He sees God in both noise and silence, in the light of even in the darkness, in the laughter of children during the game, in a quiet view of the beginning. Above all, however, a good leader feels God, who lives and speaks in him very. As a result of this, all will have a strong influence, not even what it does, but instead the more it is.

The second feature of a good leader is a clear vision. The world needs visionaries. These are people who will show a new direction when the old one is no longer working. Who is not able to point out that certain things do not work, or that people have the needs of which no one cares, which no one resolves, the one will not feel the need to look for a solution and therefore will not be a man’s vision. However, the right idea is not only a belief that the past is no longer working. A good leader is not only satisfied with the correct diagnosis of the past but can see the future. The right leader is like a good builder. Imagine Joseph Strauss, a builder of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. No one has believed that it is possible to bridge the narrower over 2.5 km and stand through the bridge. The only one that found in it was he. Unlike skeptics and opponents, he had in mind not only the form of a new bridge but also the way how to construct it. The visionary must, therefore, can see the solutions, but also to know how to make them. As far as the style is concerned, a good leader is not a cylinder that goes beyond its vision through the corpse. On the one hand, he must have the determination to go beyond what he believes, even if others do not understand; on the other hand, he will be aware that there is no island that also has its boundaries, and therefore, the sophomore allows to have doubts. A good leader can move closer to the people, but it does not allow them to abuse their crises to perform their mission. They seek to cooperate with people, listen to their views, but not let them prevented. His motto will be the dogs barking, but the caravan goes on.

3. Personal integrity is another of the qualities of a good leader. From a good leader, we expect that in their works and deeds will be honest. As someone said. The real leader serves the truth and not the people. Today tend to remain silent when it is necessary to speak. Or act without thinking, instead of first paying a serious examination of the things and the possible consequences of your action. They are tempted to join groups of people at all costs or to hurry up quickly to deal with things that, in fact, need even time to mature. All of this may be dangerous in our time. And here you need wisdom and courage, but especially the pure shield. Therefore, a good leader does not have butter on his head. He does not have the past for which he would have to be ashamed, and  he has no butter on his  head to hold him hostage in  the hands of blackmailers.

4.A good leader can work amid conflicts. Everyone is clear that we live during different views, conflicts. Properly addressing these problems belongs to the qualities of a good leader. The people and groups that lead are often opposed to each other. This would not lead the leader to disgust, but it can be oriented correctly in these conflicts and will not be deceived. The wise leader does not seek unity, but about the oneness. 

5. And finally, a good leader is a man of faith and love for God. Being able to see, my vision is wise. However, all this would be useless if it was not connected to God and should not have faith and love for God. Trust in God and love for God is a source for him, from which the leader draws inspiration, strength, and courage, which helps him to live in humility and truth. The leader who has no connection to God is not only the leader of the blind but also dangerous. It cannot be the correct leader of the one who himself is not kept. When these qualities of a good leader’s ability to see, have a vision, be direct and honest, have the courage, and be rooted in God we apply to ourselves, what are we, leaders?


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