A dual understanding of faith

During the Reformation, there were heated discussions between us and Christian brethren from Protestant churches on the issue beliefs and deeds. Today, esteemed theologians of both churches acknowledge that this was largely a misunderstanding caused by vague concepts. If we ask the average Catholic what he means by”faith,” he will answer that it is a summary of the truths contained in the catechism. For example.the miracles spoken of by the Scriptures, “belong to faith,” private revelations, “do not belong to faith.” The Light of Reason and God’s Enlightenment for Protestants, on the other hand, Abraham, the father of all who believe, was a shining example of faith (Rom 4:11) knew Although very little about God, he treated him indefinitely confidence. He was willing not only to acknowledge the truth, but also to do whatever God revealed to him. However, such a belief is already “alone” excuses, while faith, which is only a summary in truth, she is dead without deeds (James 2:26). Today we are abandoning useless verbal arguments,  we strive for a fuller understanding of faith. Its basis is however, the boundless trust x God and willingness to accept everything let us know. However, it is this willingness that obliges us to we have collected and protected what God has already revealed, wealth truth, a summary of Catholic doctrine. So they are both different views of faith in fact inseparable: personal trust in God and the truth of the catechism.

Faith in daily life
Lack of faith is reflected in all our relationships with God. Prayer becomes distracted and boring if we are not firmly convinced that we stand before God and that he hears us. Confession, receiving the body and blood of Christ and other sacraments are easily forgotten because we do not realize their effectiveness. First, recite the main parts’ breviary began with the prayer I believe in God. It was small point out how good it is to awaken your faith before we begin pray. The contact with one’s neighbor, which loses out of faith in the mystical body of the Church, in the brotherhood in Christ, flattens into purely human relationships, which so easily become inhuman. He who truly believes that what he has done to his neighbor is passed on to Christ does not so easily violate his love for his neighbor. Faith promotes modesty in judgment. The believer is used to THAT LIFE IS THE LIGHT OF PEOPLE that he must be able to submit his own judgment. He knows not it is so easy to know what is in Scripture and what the teaching really is all believers, the whole Church. He likes to hear who he has
hear. Stubbornness, intolerance, stubbornness, haste in judgment there are signs of weak faith. Faith simplifies our relationship with the world and with all his problem. In the light of God’s truth, many so-called burning issues becomes irrelevant. With confidence in providence, one walks safely through the world and its events. Nice
it is illuminated by the words of St. Robert Bellarmine:they seem big because they are close, and the stars, though they are much larger, look like bright dots. If we were in the sky, the stars would seem huge, as they really are they are, and the mountains would seem like a powder of sand. People on this the world, who have hearts here on earth, consider it something of a great possession and wandering in this world. If they inherit something, if they reach the rank, they are happy with each other. When they lose the pennies, they infuriate everyone around. But who serves God, he lives on a high tower of faith and is so far from things down there, he got all those big and important problems they seem like children’s games. If he compares them to eternity accidents of this world, they are no more afraid of them than pinching fly.

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