The Biblical Report of Creation

The way we report to Children  is extremely important. Biblical Interpretation correctly understood, does not contradict the scientific view of the creation of the world. Care needs to be distinguished between what God really wanted to reveal mankind through Scripture and between the non-essential elements that belongs to the writer’s. Let’s try to explain to children in  a simple and understandable way the Biblical message of creation. The Biblical description of creation must not be regarded as scientific Information. Therefore, is not important, the procedure referred to in the Bible. Creation of light, sun, division for days. So there is no point in finding any hidden meaning in this and trying to fit it into the stages of development. Scripture is the true revelation of God in that God himself is the originator of everything that exists. To give people the details of the way of creation God gave people a sense, the ability to gradually enter into the mysteries of nature. Certainly, God could dictate to someone a perfect scientific study, who would have understood this report. Only a few top scientists. When considering all Biblical texts, it is necessary to take into account not only the time of their creation, but especially the place of origin. The people of the Orient have a very different way of thinking and expressing themselves than we Europeans. They judge truthfulness according to the content and inner meaning and not to the extent to which this is a historically verifiable fact.A small example to explain. Imagine ,someone would have seen a movie of  the past several centuries and would have thought that the people playing in the movie did not exist historically. For example their names cannot be proven. It  may be true. This does not change the fact, that the movie truthfully displays the time or events in them time. The movie is real image of time, characters, attitudes. In the Holy Scriptures we must first seek the inner truth. She can’t be attacked. Not even in the image of creation. Natural sciences can neither deny nor prove the existence of God. But contemporary physics  can calculate the age of mater, so the hypothesis of the eternity of matter falls. A worldly scientific opinion should not circumvent this fact. We have already considered where  the world is from. Who did it? We figured it had to by someone very wise and good. Too bad he is invisible. It is true that neither in the sun nor on the tops is there a label bearing the name of the manufacturer, such as a refrigerator or a bicycle. But the one who did all of this, however, took care of knowing something about him. He did not come out from behind the curtain, as in our fictional story  grandfather. But  we have a written report about it. Imagine that there is a book, where you can read it all.It’s a very  old book.It’s called Bible or the Holy Scripture. It says that everything is created by God. God is really very wise and very good. He is invisible and yet always close to us. So close that he hears everything, everything sees, everything now.So we can actually talk to God . Don’t you find it amazing? I’m going to tell something today. Cooleren were planing in the yard. And suddenly, they began  to argue. Nobody knew how the quarrel actually rose. We don’t know why they started  arguing. We don’t Know the hex they star does argue , they just start end treating each other. Do you know how powerful he is?. And they started arguing whose  dad  is the know , Most wicked  Most powerful. Georg seemed  to win  because his father was a Sailor. His father saw this and that and lived all sorts of  adventures. But Anna scooped him. She said her dad can operate and rescues people daily. And not everyone can. So quit ended  Too Franz, who boasted, that his father could shoot from a rifle. Everyone acknowledged that saving is more than a shoot. But they argued further and could not agree on which dad is the best. Everyone had right, and yet they hadn’t solved who is a dad was the wisest and best. One older boy standing sideways said. I know someone who is truly wisest and best he knows everything because he invented everything and did. And he didn’t even anyone to do that. And he’s best because he didn’t’ t do it all for himself, but for us. Everything gave us for free.I .can talk to him at any time. I can talk to him at any time. He always has time  for me. He always hears me. He is with me even when I’m all alone. The riddle of who was he talking about?

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