What are we, spiritually motivated people, actually looking for? Examining people interested in the spiritual life, whether they are saints or only those who seek holiness, shows that they are unique. In his work Varieties of Mystical Experience, Father Elmer O’Brien concluded that mystics differ from one another. When Christians who strive for something reveal their experiences to others, it becomes clear that there are big subjective differences in how they perceive God’s call and answer it. This difference reflects the divine immensity and size. It is a rich source for ours meditation and contemplation as far as William James is talking after it shows the uniqueness of each individual.
We are all created with the ability to seek and find God, be the living stones of his Church, finite and creatures in a direct relationship with the Infinite. In each case, the uniqueness of the individual in spirituality is preserved in life. Von Hüge l emphasized in his monumental study of spiritual elements in religion that “the mystery of spiritual life and is ultimately a unity in an unimaginable quantity. “
In the midst of this immense variety, the individual finds his place, based on God’s will, who called and gave each one of us life and gave immortality to each. The characteristic character of you can e to find right in this individuality. Of course, when I look at e experience of the individual, there may also be a generalization. And when we sort and divide elements, stars, or animals by classifying them into certain categories according to size, shape, density, or many units, I can also e divide people in terms of what they expect as they set out on their journey to God. These sorts are not as distinctive as the different species of animals tables of elements, but if the psychological classifications of human behavior are interconnected if the colors in the rainbow. One and blends the other. I called them the “four voices of God,” and by so m simplified deep and traditional philosophical thinking.

The four voices of God
Answering God in one way does not mean that I can answer in all possible ways. The essential relationship of a Christian to God’s life, in which a person knows God and the Trinidadian life, is the result of Christ’s revelation – as the Incarnate Word. Rather, if we come to a key relationship with its origin in God himself, I must e consider people considering their personal response to God. A general view of the great personalities of the spiritual life proves how he and they perceived God. The terminology they used to describe their understanding of God is based on a scholastic philosophical view of God, and its roots go back to Greek philosophy. This philosophy and may be more useful in the study of different types of responses to God than the philosopher and the Saint scriptures because the Bible s and tries to evaluate people easily relates their positive, partial, or negative answer to God, and thus classifies them as holy, lukewarm, indifferent or lost. Western philosophers and claim that e people know and seek God and, as One, Truth, Good, and beauty. If you examine yourself or those who do well you know regarding the spiritual life, you will notice that, for the most part, people suit one or maybe two categories. Hereby was useful to mention some examples of the living greats of Christianity.

God knew and understood as One, if the highest and living being, attracts people whose life is intellectual and emotional searching for unity. He and such persons are usually always conscious of internal opposites or opposing forces that endanger man, and by that, they can divide and tear its interior. The forces of danger have the real and necessary balance needed to man could be human. Then God is perceived if one that brings unity into the experienced chaos. Saint Catherine of Genoa, a great figure in the mysticism of the fifteenth century, von Hüge l describes as a person with such strong and contradictory tendencies that he had only one choice: to pass on with and the call of God, or with and to fall apart.  He used his immense energy and talent and experienced the spiritual life and at the same time in the management of one of the largest charitable institutions in the world. He was responsible for and initiated the real reform of the Catholic Church. If you’re reading her resume, you will surely be impressed by her constant effort to straighten the whole thing personalities to fulfill God’s love. Catherine was and could live his life in the Renaissance style – indulge in pleasures and average religion. But it was about it for beating her and impossible. After several years of chronic neurotic depression, he decided and turned his whole attention to the love of God and neighbor. Its straightforwardness was so strong that he could reconcile his sovereign love in God with a strong affection for her husband, family, and friends.
The contemporary French writer Jean Gene is a completely e different example of contradictory persons. It mocks l s and of all the spiritual, but he complained that the prison chaplain does not speak of God. Jean t sought unity in total surrender to evil. Follow and do evil he tried with such purity and sincerity in his heart as it is characteristic of the mystical life. Even they called him “the devil in the holy world.” But since evil can never be done by man and satisfy, whose life has worsened and caused even greater internal conflict. The gene t represents that group of people incapable of such a unity that would bring them peace because the following evil and in its essence leads to the disintegration of personality. My and my experience with anonymous and alcoholics showed me that for people looking for psychological balance, it is not uncommon that it is the scars of a difficult life and will help them on their knees for  God.
If God is attracted to One, you should accept this aspect of your spirituality for life and not fight against it. One of the anomalies of disturbed human nature is that We do not accept the answer we are looking for even if we find her because we are too accustomed to pain and confusion. It seemed when such people said about when: “I have always been with myself, and I am inwardly divided.” the objective is to surrender to the One completely. Namely, it leads to unification, as it is written in the speech at the top. You, who are called and can pay the price, find peace, which the world can never give. But a man must not be afraid to find him.

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