The devil in Scripture
It is surprising to one who knows the religious litigation of the ancient nations how rare is did was, a demon, in the Old Testament. Clearer than personality appears only in chapter 3 of the Book of Genesis, and yet in the symbolic form of a snake. What the surrounding nations attributed to the activities of the demons, the Jews relate directly to God. He sends death, disaster, disease. The authors of the books of Scripture they were always afraid of giving the impression that it was an exception to Some other deity of the Lord.
Nevertheless, it is clear from the Old Testament that the history of humanity cannot be explained without the influence of the evil spirit. He is not a deity. It is the “serpent,” one of the field animals made by the Lord God (Gen. 3: 1; cf. 3:14). However, it is a strange creature. He’s extraordinarily cunning; he knows more than Adam and Eve, he knows how to destroy God’s work (3: 2-5).
He pretends to be a friend of people, but from the very beginning aims at his goal. He wins the game, pulls the man into happiness, but God’s punishment falls on his head in the first place. Even the New Testament does not speak of evil spirits often. And here, however, it stands out from the very beginning. Public Jesus, the performance begins immediately after the direct baptism in Jordan conflict with the devil (Mt 4: 1.). Although we do not know well how to imagine the details of this encounter and temptation, there is a clear basic idea: The Messiah  Distinguishing Spirits begins its activity with a fundamental choice. He has a choice between God’s way, which is foolishness in the eyes of Gentiles and outrage for the Jews (cf. 1 Cor 23), and in another way, seemingly reasonable, the one he presents to him in Satan. He should show up as the crowds were waiting for him. Similarly, as in the Book of Genesis, the devil acts as a counselor here,
a friend like the one who wants to show direction. Christ, his counsel
from the very beginning, does not accept. He often casts out devils during his activity, and by his death, he makes Satan without the mighty (cf. Heb. 2:14).
Scripture begins with the appearance of the devil at the beginning. After the last book of the New Testament, the Apocalypse (Chapter 12), ends human history through a mighty scene: the struggle of the Church with the monster, symbol of the Antichrist and God’s ultimate victory over devil.
The devil in the first Christian literature
The word “demon” has been translated into Christian literature by Greek philosophers. Plato places the world «demonically new» between heaven and earth. It is the realm of spirits that are not either by the gods or by the people. However, he assumes that they are good.
Thus, they correspond more to Christian angels and work
in the world. That is why they are offered sacrifices. Therefore, Christians did not say anything new when they claimed that pagan sacrifices were made to our demons, that demons spoke in divination. They are, however, the belief that these are evil spirits because they are associated with a false cult, with a false religion. However, it is interesting how few Christians have taken over from Jewish and pagan “demonology,” which was varied in the first centuries after Christ. She helped explain the goat’s nomological problems, especially the connection of God’s world with earth, spirit, and matter. Christians were interested in the moral. Questions more than about space systems. It went first and foremost about how to explain that there are two in the heart of man, so much from different affection, affection for good and evil.
Didache (The Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles) found the answer in the action of two spirits: good and evil. Lust, carelessness, ungodliness, lies, and all corrupt affections inspire an evil spirit. Hermes speaks of the “two ways”: justice and ungodliness. Good or bad, the angel wants to lure us in one direction or another. «There are two angels by man: the angel of righteousness and the angel of evil.  I exclaimed, “How can I do this, that I may discern their work when they both dwell in me?” Still, you are Hermes is not quite sure what exactly the word means, good and evil spirit. The inspiration of the good spirit easily coincides with the direct action of the Holy Spirit. The expression “Evil decline” then often means the same as passion, evil sympathy. Thus, e.g., calls «demon» pride, anger is said to be a “very evil demon.” How to imagine the influence of the devil it is not easy to explain to today’s people how it works evil spirits in the world. They are too skeptical. However, their doubting also has its origin in the superstition of others, who imagined the devil in the form of fairy-tale creatures, similar not to a waterman, an elf, etc. Let’s try to get closer to the truth of the faith by rational reasoning.
In modern times, there is an increased interest in sociological studies. We realize how we are embedded in the environment we ourselves, our deeds, our feelings, and even our thoughts. We do not believe that we are just a “product,” the result of external influences. Nevertheless, these influences are and are. Food, climate, society. Psychologists show how even though the presence of another person beyond reaches into our feelings and inclinations. We become good; with evil, we are easily inclined to evil. Christianity gives this human community a deeper dogmatic basis. We are one mystical body in Christ. If he suffers from one limb, his pain is transmitted to the others (cf. 1 Cor 12-14).

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