Direct vision of God.

Near vision of God from face to face is the root of eternal bliss. The “Light of Glory” will help our weak spirit to this vision, transcending it in words. My God, with your light, you allow us to look at you for who you are. Everyone will penetrate the secrets of the Father as much as the light of glory will strengthen his spirit. Every effort, every merit, improves our eternal position. Every spark of love here on earth ignites a new, never-extinguishing spark of our glory how great must be the glory of the great souls that the Church worships a particular cult, how great must be the glory of the martyrs, the apostles, the Virgin Mary. Direct vision is such vision infinitely superior to analogous knowledge of God. True vision is such perfect knowledge that is close to the inside, by which God knows himself.

Our understanding will be as if on one floor with God’s understanding. We will know him as he knows us. St. Augustine has tried several times to describe heavenly happiness. He described it in his work “The Community of God,” or as a community of joy and peace. There will be no division; there will be peace. This perfect peace lies in order and in the ideal unity of all who rejoice in God. How happily he will live there. Nothing can illustrate the ideal harmony that prevails in all our relationships. This state will last forever, and we will be assured of its eternal duration. No one will be more envious than the angels envy the archangel.
Everything will be based on the truth. It will be true glory that will not be caused by error or flattery. The honor will not be denied any merit here, but even the unworthiness will not get it because whoever unworthy could claim it. St. Augustine ends his work with so often quoted words. Up there, we will rest and see. We will see and love. We will love and praise. The three characteristics of the City of God, whose king is truth, whose law is love, whose duration is eternity, will finally be perfectly realized in heaven. God created us for himself, and our hearts are dissatisfied until they rest in you. St. Augustine writes to us.

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