Three things, The Devil Hates.

In the so-called Reformation, the Devil encourages Christians to hate the Eucharist, the Church, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus. This means that these three things, in turn, are crucially essential for us to be Christians; the devil doesn’t hate them for any reason!
The Eucharist, because it is a drawing into the Trinitarian life of God, the Church because it is God’s family, heaven, the heavenly Jerusalem, and Mary because she is the embodiment and realization of domesticity, the domestic family life, the hearth, the atmosphere of Heaven, the Kingdom of God. Christ is the Head and the Body, Jesus and Mary, Jesus as the Head, Mary as the Body’s representative, the communion of saints. “The Lord my God, and all his saints with him.” (Zech. 14:5) This is God, not without His saints, and they do not without God: one Body, one Christ. Therefore, Mary, as the first of the Body, is the first among the saints of the Lord.
Christ is Lord, Savior, and Redeemer, but He is still Himself.
(like the grain of wheat in His parable), not yet a Family, not yet brought harvest, has not yet become the Kingdom of God. Only when the Body is associated with Him and His saints is Christ complete, Head and Body. Those who reject Mary, reject with her, both practically and theoretically, Heaven itself, that is, this very Body, limit Christ as the Head and ignore His Body, accept Christ as Lord and Redeemer, but no longer as the Head of the Heavenly Family, as the Kingdom of God, which He creates in His Body. No wonder subsequent in this Kingdom do not live in it, do not know it, or enter it. In short, it is impossible to receive Christ without His Body indeed,
which is Mary and His saints in Heaven and the Church here on Earth. Without this, one can only encounter, glimpse, fleetingly, walking beside the multitude. But no more.
Jesus and Mary side by side, He deifies, she is revered, He gives, she
receives, but still side by side. Mary thus points to the dignity of the saved and, at the same time, shows our pride, our place not as servants, enslaved people, but as friends, standing beside Christ on the same plane as Christ, not of ourselves, only by the sheer grace of Christ, but on the same level lifted and exalted to Him, besides Christ, with Christ, in the very Christ, Body with Head, One Christ. Not to receive Mary and the saints is not to accept the Kingdom of God, to remain before its gates. For they already live in that Kingdom, to enter the Kingdom is to live with them. Not to live with them is not to be in the Kingdom. And so the Mother of God – with her all the saints, the already saved people – are their way, the “Gateway to Heaven.” Just as we are redeemed in Christ and Christ alone, we are dedicated only and only in communion with Him in the midst of them. Or, to put it another way, Jesus is God, Mary, and the saints, and all who are already with them here on Earth are His Kingdom, as the Scriptures teach: ‘By his blood, he has set us free.’ from our sins, and hath made us a kingdom.” (Rev. 1:5-6) To reject one or to leave the other always means the same thing: to stay outside, beyond the door of the Kingdom.
Therefore, the Church, which accepts both, lives in the Kingdom of God. Thus, Protestantism rejects the other and does not even think of living in the Kingdom …does not suspect. For the devil, this is quite enough. As Scripture teaches, faith without works is dead. What is the point of believing in Christ if we subsequently reject salvation?
The devil also believes but is not saved… Seeing how the Devil has made many Christians believe that living with Jesus in God’s kingdom is blasphemy and idolatry is admirable.

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