This holiday originated in Jerusalem in the 6th century. But, indeed, the Church of St. Anne stood here in the 5th century and, according to tradition, even at the place where the Virgin Mary was born. Scripture does not mention Mary’s birth. After all, we have at our disposal one preserved source that tells us something more. It is the Proto gospel of James. This text, together with several others, did not make it into the list of biblical books. It is an ancient text that dates back to the second century after Christ and probably comes from folk stories and narratives. In this text, we learn what the Virgin Mary’s parents were called – Joachim and Anna, and we also know they were both childless. They could not have children, so they constantly asked God for help, even when they were older. At the beginning of the whole story, they lament their lot and ask God for help.
God does not leave their prayers unanswered; an angel promises a child. This is a typical scheme that we also find in the Bible – there is an insurmountable problem for which human powers are no longer sufficient; nothing can be done humanly. But there is also God, who intervenes uniquely and cares for human needs. Virgin Mary’s parents were barren, but God had a plan. When I mentioned the proto-gospel of James, where we learn about these events, we can say one more thing: the author also took credit for why Joseph is depicted as an older man. He is so honestly portrayed there. The author described Joseph probably to avoid unnecessary speculation about Mary’s virginity.
Today’s holiday can lead us to think about Mary’s humanity. We often think about her perfection and holiness. And maybe through her humanity, we can get closer to her and meet her even better. Anyone with small children can imagine Maria as a baby because she was also a small child. A young mother can also get close to Maria because she was also a young mother. In the time of Jesus, marriage was concluded around 12-13. Parents who have lost their children can also meet Maria because she lost her son. Every person who suffers can meet a woman experiencing immense pain in her soul. This way, we can be very close to Mary. She was straightforward, ordinary, and needy. She lived in the suddenness of the Nazareth house, usually, normally. And if the Scriptures say about Jesus that he was like us in everything except sin, then the same is true about the Mother of God. Thus, through her humanity, Mary can be so close to us!
This is one of the reasons why people like to visit places of pilgrimage – to meet a woman who is so close to us. Pilgrimage places are visited by young and old, children and the sick… we can be healed there. We meet someone close to us who has experienced what we have and intercedes for us. Such a meeting has a healing power. Whoever meets the Mother of God in this way is healed. He is recovered in the soul and sometimes also in the body. It’s just a pity that people are primarily looking for the health of the body and only then the health of the soul. The health of the soul is no longer so important to them. But if I meet the Mother of God, I will experience the healing of my soul above all. Then, I’m a healthy person even though I’m confined to a wheelchair! So that’s the Madonna touch. Meeting with a person who managed his life beautifully intercedes for me with his Son, healing me.